Monday, January 18, 2010

oh shit.

6:55 AM

Sunday, January 17, 2010

i have interesting statistics.
on 17th alone,
4 people wished me happy birthday [excluding family members]
through sms and facebook.
well, there were others who wished me happy birthday when they heard it was my birthday.
amazing ain't it.
and i spent my birthday having a big dinner in a market.
when my frieend heard, he said, "wah, so cui one."
what's wrong with having my celebration with my family?
what's wrong to eat at a place where my grandmother likes?
what's wrong taking it easy since finances seem to be a problem?
i don't need it to be grand.
all i want is to spend time with my family.
my time is almost up.

11:22 PM

Saturday, January 16, 2010

psychologically damaged
i read a horror manga.
"...psychologically damaging..."
after i managed to finally overcome my fear of darkness
curiousity killed the chris.
oh crap.
and for lit.
we're going to be watching horror shows and we have to study the atmosphere and stuff.
as if i already didnt know!

4:16 AM

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

now we're tumbling down
i didn't get triple science.
i didn't get into the team.
go ahead.
surprise me some more.
so maybe God is telling me i'm not so smart ouch
neither am i that good in netball thanks God
but maybe He wanted me to focus on other things.
like, studying?
we're spiralling
yep, my life is going down.
down down down.
there's only probably one last help line left right.
and if i don't take it...
well, i may not be smart.
i may not be good.
i may not be strong.
but i have a God that is TOO AWESOME backing me up.
hey, no loses right?


even though it's this way, why is there pain inside?
but maybe, just maybe, crying helps.

10:17 PM