Sunday, January 27, 2008
ARGHH. Frustrated. I wanna go for YF. My mother won't let me. Not even my sister. D: Convo started like this. [C]"Mum, can me and Belicia go YF?" [M]"No! Belicia got alot of homework! You know ah, homework comes 1st!" [C]"I promise we'll be back before 9." [M]"No means no. Don't influence her anymore!" I mean like, INFLUENCE HER? What the crap. YF is Youth Fellowship in church. How to explain.. SIGH. Sian liao.
5:03 AM
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
I HAVE BEEN TRICKED AGAIN. THE TUITIONING LITTLE KIDS IS IN FEBUARY. TCH. WHY AM I TRICKED SO EASILY? Anyways, I still have cooking tomorrow to look forward to. Cooking FREEEENCH TOAST. So easy to cook. I wanna cook chicken or fish. Something challenging. Sigh.
12:38 AM
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
ARGHHH. I'm sick today. It sucks. AND ON A TRAINING DAY. Tch. Didn't even go to school. x( Anyways, tomorrow we're tuitioning little P2 kids for CIP. that's something to look forward to. Hmm, perhaps I should carry the serious look, or the gentle look, or the fun look. Sigh.
7:55 PM
Monday, January 21, 2008
BOHAHAHA. I ACCOMPLISHED 6 ROUNDS OF SPRINTS. I'M HAPPY ;D After finishing the last round, I dropped dead on the red, hot track. I forgot who ah, go pull me up. Esther? Jean? Kaya? Then Esther was supporting me on my left, Kaya on the right. [K]"Is this really supporting?" [E]"YA LAH, JUST DO IT" [C]"It helps a bit." [E]"YAH SEE." [K]"But I like not doing anything.." Kaya, so oblivious to the world around her. Sigh. "That's what friends are for" As quoted from Esther. Thanks Esther ;D Next time we do sprints, let's run at the back. HAH! We the slowies! ![]()
5:11 AM
Friday, January 18, 2008
whee ;D
6:34 AM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISTABEL YONG. I'm 13! Hurray! Yay! Yippe! er. Since I'm 13 I got 3 cakes today. Let's start with cake number one! My friends were going to suprise me with a supposedly suprising party in the canteen. They were like discussing how to set it up like, RIGHT BEHIND MY BACK or sometimes RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. I not stupid! I acted suprised, blowed the candles [THE CANDLES WEREN't LIGHTED BECAUSE NO LIGHTER] cut the cake and 1st cake eaten. Now the 2nd cake. Jeanne[VC] told me that there would be a netball meeting tomorrow yesterday I believed her lah, cause it was RIGHT before the game on Friday. Then the next day, [Thursday] [Today] After school they like, tried to stall me away from the canteen. Then they kind of brought me there too early. So I saw Esther like, WAVE HER HANDS MOUTHING "NO!" [I peeped] Then after everything was supposedly ready, then they brought me there. And I was like, WHUDDAHECK. ANOTHER CAKE. And Sze Li [C] was like, "where are your tears of joy?!" I was like, "I don't know how to cry?" And since it was after the 1st cake, I didn't feel like eating the cake. Steph was like, "She isn't happy because, no birthday kiss." WHUDDAHECK. Jeanne hold my shoulders and "She's all yours" I freaked out, ran away, end of story. The 2nd cake was better planned than the 1st cake. No offence 1st cake people. 3rd cake! My sister bought for me awfully chocolate cake. Blow candles. Cut cake. The end. For those who wanted to know how I felt for the 2nd cake, [cause you say I not happy] I HAD MIXED EMOTIONS. MIXED EMOTIONS Happy Retarded Surprised Retarded Cheated Retarded "TOUCHED" Retarded I felt cheated because I REALLY THOUGHT THERE WAS A NETBALL MEETING. Anyways, Happy birthday Christabel again.
2:24 AM
Friday, January 11, 2008
Hehes. Nothing to upload these days. Secondary is fun though :) Let's enjoy the memories we had a long time ago. "A toast OF our friendship"
![]() Sarah's dog. ![]()
[Look at his shoulder]
Sarah's ![]() Sheryl's ![]()
4:53 PM